Carolina Clay Connection

Class registration for new and existing students


A pottery studio that doubled as the regional clay supplier, relied on a static landing page and contact information to a landline to manage heavy customer traffic and new customers.


  • Figma

  • Microsoft Word

Key activities

  • Customer research, surveys, and interviews to understand users

  • User personas to summarize findings

  • Site map to plan development

  • Prototypes and UI kit to plan design

  • Usability testing to test product


  • Business owner

  • 2 full time employees

  • 50+ Students and teachers at the pottery studio

The results

Delivered a design strategy and UX assets for a website redesign that included features allowing users to browse, purchase, and track class enrollment on a responsive device.

My role

  • UX research & design

  • Brand design

  • Product marketing

Understand the problem

When I began as a student at Carolina Clay Connection, I gathered information about the business, identified its biggest challenges, and defined my priorities.


During a boot camp project, I encountered a small business grappling with issues related to online presence, customer communication, and class management.

  • Expanded their website to include more self-service capabilities, such as online class registration

  • Created a digital style guide to reinforce the brand identity


Without a digital registration process, students were less likely to enroll in classes.

Reputation-Users were unable to view the website or register online.

Inconvenience- Limited hours led to lower retention rates, and missed potential customers.

Research and empathize

I conducted primary and secondary research to better understand students, and the issue of limited communication channels.

Competitive analysis

Goal: It was essential to understand what advantages other studios have and to benchmark against the local standards for classes in the area.

Method: I researched and defined top 6 competitors based on location, price range, and services offered.


  • Many local studios provided 24/7 open studio access at equal or lower pricing.

  • Studios also offered online registration and membership rewards.

User interviews

Goal: Identify the commonalities among potential pottery students and their needs.

Method: I interviewed 6 pre-screened individuals between 18-30 in the US, who were open to taking a pottery class.


  • Students preferred classes within a 10-minute commute.

  • They hesitated to attend their first pottery class alone.

  • If waitlisted, users were more likely to not return for a class.

A compilation of user interviews I conducted virtually

Synthesize and define

I conducted an analysis of my research findings, focusing on core themes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem's root causes.

Proto- personas

Goal: Create a goal-based persona that reflects behaviors, motives, and frustrations derived from my recent research.

Method: I based the persona off of how proto-personas in “Jobs to be Done” (Jim Kalbach).

Takeaways: This exercise helped me understand her intent and the goals behind her behavior.

A proto-persona of Bailey

Themes from user analysis

Based on the interviews, secondary research, and user persona I made, I concluded that Carolina Clay Connection students desire the four following qualities most.

The pain points I addressed in my new design solution fell into one of three themes; connection, discovery, and convenience.


I ideated and prioritized potential features based on feasibility.


Goal: Think of a variety of solutions that would address Bailey’s pain points.

Method: I used a traditional mind map to create new ideas, and connect them to each other


Class tracking and registration

  • A voice feature that would make registration easier on the go

  • An app for class tracking and registration

  • FAQ and self administered quiz that guides users in finding the right class

  • Video and FAQ

  • A chatbot for signing up and registration

I drew out the user journey for the user


Goal: Plan a simple layout of the website screens, and the flow of new class registration.

Method:  I created a site map of the studio website, organized by the different pages available on the navigation bar.

Takeaways: This exercise showed me what information was most essential to users in completing the “job to be done”, and how to best group them in an intuitive manner.

The site map for the new website


I blended my design decisions with the site map and features into a prototype and UI kit.

Low-fidelity prototype

Goal: Visually map out the new features so I could start making design and usability decisions.

Method: I used Figma and to create lo-fi prototypes.

Takeaways: I structured the website to attract new and existing students by focusing on landing pages, and informative class descriptions. However, the business model Carolina Clay used was heavily dependent on the b2b supply side.

UI Kit

Goal: With a lo-fi prototype in motion, I began formulating the hi-fi prototype to ensure all elements were consistent and unified with the brand identity.

Method: I created the color palette, main design components for form completion, and typography for the website.

Takeaways: I ensured consistency and brand unity in the experience, but didn’t impede the user’s job to be done


Usability testing

Goal: Test out assumptions design decisions were based on, and adjust accordingly. I focused on the website usability, and the specific task of registration.

Method: Virtual testing on 5 people who have not participated before.

  1. Find a class you want to try

  2. Register and pay for a class

Takeaways: User testing revealed a lack of accessibility on the desktop and mobile version. I also…

  1. Changed brand colors and adjusted spacing for visual understanding

  2. Added a tile menu on each page for easy access to various services

Final Design

I created a design intended to increase conversion rates, and lower the amount of in-office and phone-call traffic with the redesign of a responsive website and registration flow for classes.


The Red Cross-Intake form